Feng Shui is a Chinese, Japanese system of placing things at home, in-office, or any place that you live in. It holds importance in the sense that how you place things defines how things will progress in your life. It solely depends on the vibe things create!
So, as we care for our customers we are here with some of the most asked tips for office relocation Feng Shui. Watch out:-
Declutter The Workplace:
It is the minimalist view of positive vibes in which it is believed that clearing the clutter is important to make the place breathe well. The term ‘chi’ means the force that drives the energy of liveliness. So, chi gets hindered in its flow when there are too many dirty things or unwanted things kept in the workplace. So first of all when you are planning office relocation with us, we suggest you remove all the unwanted items. It will not just be healthy for your work but will also ease your cost of transportation.

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Desk And Door:
The desk should be clean and should be in synchronization with the door of the office, the main door. If the desk faces opposite to the main door then there would be a constant issue of watching who’s behind you. Also, it is thought that if the desk is placed in front of the office door, then the ideas, contacts, positivity, and ease of access all come running. So that way it creates a good vibe for your business.

Window Wisdom:
The window may sound like an abstract thing in Feng Shui, but it holds immense importance. Windows are all about bringing in clear air and freshness and that helps in the positive inflow of ideas and creativity. So try keeping the window decluttered by keeping little or nothings there and keep it open whenever you want to breathe into the charm of creativity.

Fragrance Fun:
It is quite impressive when you walk in an office and there’s a good fragrance welcoming you in. Similarly, when it’s about business inflow, it impresses the clients when there’s a perfume or scent all over the atmosphere of the office. Just make sure the scent is not too dark to cause an issue in breathing. Keep it medium. And let the fragrance bring in a positive response from the people you interact for business.

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Wind Chimes:
Windchimes as we all know symbolize positivity and happiness. According to Fengshui it clears and purifies the air around us. So, it can be a good fit for your office space to purify the negative energies and transform them into positive ones. These wind chimes should be gifted and not brought by you. If it is then there isn’t an issue but gifted ones work better.

Have a safe and easy movement!